Your Pooling
Solutions Partner

Loscam is a trusted and reputable name in providing pooling and returnable packaging solutions for supply chains. Operating in 12 regions throughout the Asia Pacific, Loscam is focused on delivering high-quality, innovative, environmentally sustainable and fit-for-purpose solutions to these regions.

Your Pooling
Solutions Partner

Loscam is a trusted and reputable name in providing pooling and returnable packaging solutions for supply chains. Operating in 12 regions throughout the Asia Pacific, Loscam is focused on delivering high-quality, innovative, environmentally sustainable and fit-for-purpose solutions to these regions.

Your Pooling
Solutions Partner

Loscam is a trusted and reputable name in providing pooling and returnable packaging solutions for supply chains. Operating in 12 regions throughout the Asia Pacific, Loscam is focused on delivering high-quality, innovative, environmentally sustainable and fit-for-purpose solutions to these regions.


Loscam is a trusted and reputable name for providing pooling and returnable packaging solutions for supply chains. Operating in 12 regions throughout the Asia Pacific, Loscam is focused on delivering high-quality, innovative, environmentally sustainable and fit-for-purpose solutions and procedures to these regions. This dedication has led Loscam to hold a leading market position in various sectors including manufacturing and retail supply chains.

Established in 1942, Loscam operates in Australia, Hong Kong SAR, IndonesiaMainland China, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan Region, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Our History

Loscam Equipment and Products

Loscam equipment and products can be managed and tracked using our proprietary user friendly asset management applications: Loscam Online.
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We care for our community and the environment. We care about our workplace. We pledge to act as good corporate citizen by creating positive values for the communities in which we operate.





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